1:14 R2-D2 ( between 2 cube, behind the clone ) 0:52 GONK DROID ( between the cube and the clone ) 0:40 PIPOCA ( on the cube ) 0:43 REBEL ALLIANCE INSIGNIA below the bridge
Ho no Poor litlle droïde???
I love it so much love ve ve ve love love k=lovelo
do a disney princess please
Just bought the awesome VR headset for 40 at kewlgearshop.com I highly recommended!
I am gonna make VR youtube ?
He kick me ?
Dam the boba fet
4к такое позорное качество и даже не 60 фпс
Dejo mi like es sorprendente
I found R2-D2, Rebel Insignia and Pipoca Sign
fbemn asmd
got kicked in the face because i ran into somebody thx
0:39 companion cubes?
I have no cardboard option
1:14 R2-D2 ( between 2 cube, behind the clone ) 0:52 GONK DROID ( between the cube and the clone ) 0:40 PIPOCA ( on the cube ) 0:43 REBEL ALLIANCE INSIGNIA below the bridge
Ho no Poor litlle droïde???
I love it
so much
love ve ve ve love love k=lovelo
bobba fett is a dick
Boba Fett is suck a jerk!
I cant accept it…awesome
From japan
this is terribleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Give us a full feature film please
Im broke
I didnt find R2D2 and the rebels sign
no me guto me encanto
?прикольно диржи подарок?
Look it's Darth Vader
I love star wars
abonnez vous à notre chaine youtube
I'm going to throw up…????