Looking back at 2015, here are my Top 10 Ferrari Reactions!
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Music: Jim Yosef – Firefly [NCS Release] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_OwcYTNbHs
Hey just wanted to share both the positive and negative side of driving a supercar. Be sure to check out my channel for more supercar video and reactions!
1st little Troll the Spit idiot , would never forget or do that again if the owner would have beat the living Tar out of him …..
So many miserable assholes ???
A Lamborghini mustang ?????. COME.ON who doesn't know what is a ferrari? ??
i would have beat that ice cream guy
No. 3 has to be my favourite. Pretty much a gold digger.
She ask for it 3:02
Hahaha fuck that bitch can it get any louder ? rev the bollocks off it mate.
To bad lot of these were fake
You should just ignore people like number 8
Jealousy is the downfall of many.
it is not a crime to have nice things no matter the circumstances, however it sure seems like some people are so envious and hateful that someone has something they do not they can justify vandalism and atrocious behavior.
Fuck off to haters ???
thats why I stick to mopeds
idk why, but i feel that most of these are fake…
Last one is great :))
What type of person takes the rear view mirror from the driver. Even if that lady didn’t understand the fire thing she’s an asshole for even trying that. Covers rescues mirror and then has the nerves to say the car isn’t safe as if she didn’t just commit a safety violation for driving in general.
People are the worst….
Hey! You are in Toronto at the end! I see Pusateries Yorkville!
Legend has it that a Lamborghini mustang exists somewhere today.
Number 7 ia a total jerk. What's wrong with that guy
Hating ass bitches
I would punch in the face all that asshole until i tired my arm…stupid and jealous! Don't touch other people's car
Yeah no I would have stopped when the guy hit my mirror like that
Just saw this. #3 was by far my favorite. Great fun. No one gets hurt and a look into the minds of people. You make exposing these things look easy, but it is not. Party on.
Basically showing how much western women are hypergamous sluts.