That was strange but completely phenomenal i hope to see more possible videos like this you are my favorite YouTuber keep up your fantastic work <3
You Should be Chaz in VRChat, Wouldn’t that be fun?
Like if you agree
Holy fuck i just had the greatest idea, what if you made the Portal Gun from Portal in VR Chat?
That'd be amazing.
Specimen 11of spooky's house of jumpscares,please!
Hi i from thailand I like video you
you should do a scary prank in VRChat FNAF themed, you could be Foxy or Freddy
Chaz sounds like he did Ted talks on a monthly basis
Hey Nad! It was fun meeting you yesterday! I cant believe I acutally got to!
This playthrough (both parts) appeared on my suggested feed, I’d never seen your channel before but I’m really excited it ended up my way! Keep going, and keep being awesome.
poor guy wanted you to succeed so much
but you keep suckin all the client up ;-;
A Unique game
naddition is so cute

That was strange but completely phenomenal i hope to see more possible videos like this you are my favorite YouTuber keep up your fantastic work <3
You Should be Chaz in VRChat, Wouldn’t that be fun?
Like if you agree
Holy fuck i just had the greatest idea, what if you made the Portal Gun from Portal in VR Chat?
That'd be amazing.
Specimen 11of spooky's house of jumpscares,please!
Hi i from thailand I like video you
you should do a scary prank in VRChat FNAF themed, you could be Foxy or Freddy
Chaz sounds like he did Ted talks on a monthly basis
Hey Nad! It was fun meeting you yesterday! I cant believe I acutally got to!
This playthrough (both parts) appeared on my suggested feed, I’d never seen your channel before but I’m really excited it ended up my way! Keep going, and keep being awesome.
I've got your back ?
23:08–29:00 got emotional ?
Witch VR Equipment do you use? Can you recommend me something? Or anybody here? I'd like to use full body '-'
''Don't judge me for my English, i learnd it all by myself!'' ~ you can keep typing error's if you find some! (Thanks in advance!)
You could replace the flowers with the red
"Are humans who turn into robots people?"
Aww… That was so sweet of you. I'm happy that I can remain as a person in eyes of at least some people.
I really want to play this game!!!!But I don't have a VR set ;;.
If your gonna do another scare video in vrchat do a necromorph from dead space
37:15 I think you broke Chaz….
so is upload a new gender? and when he announced it did he come out or go in.
this game was astounding, I guess
You should scare people with a Chaz model in Vr chat
wow this is so cool
Naddition make a quiet place avatar and troll people
Bro, this game is fucking cool
I feel bad for Tina ;;
Eliza you made me cry.
This game got REAL DEEP REAL FAST.
damn, V-VR actually makes me wish i had a vr headset to play it on! Thanks for playing this and good luck on finding those possums!
HahahHa it so funny when why
Why did i cry?…
Can you please PLEASE PLEASE go to the SKULL room again with the eyes!??
I wanna see what happens!!!
27:05 sounds a lot like Kayaba from SAO
Haaaaaaaah…. another Portal-ish universe
This game is one of the best I have ever seen, truly a beautiful and inspiring game, M A D props to the creators
This was really awesome! Thanks for playing this game for us, Nad! I'll try to be on the lookout for some VR Games in the future!
I like this game
200/10 content,bootiful
Hey man scare some people's