Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news – XRP Ripple price swells, Bitcoin ETF the saga continues, Brazil crypto community versus banks, Propy, Tomochain, Bancor, and Steem updates.
XRP Ripple Price
Better Bitcoin
Money Laundering
Brazil Broker
Europol Crypto
Europol: Terrorists Still Use Banks, Fail To Abuse Cryptocurrencies
UN Women
Bitcoin Coffee
New landmark for Propy – first transaction recorded in Arizona! The $110,000 transaction in Phoenix was done with the help of our real estate agent Sarah @tru_realty and Propy ambassador Leslie @ladyblockchains. We are well on the road to adoption in all fifty states!#realestate pic.twitter.com/RQgZbqUSVg
— Propy (@PropyInc) September 20, 2018
Bancor EOS
Ethereum’s Bancor Moves to EOS Blockchain Turning into a New Cross-chain BancorX
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Hope your ok lark, haven't seen you on the tube here.
ETF = rough recycled cardboard style toilet paper
Real Bitcoin = Charmin
Bitcoin will thrive without the ETF. Use cases and adoption is key
Thank you Lark
Soem of the crazy gains recently such as VIBE and NAV were due to monster pumps, this is the group responsible:
Stay away from those strawberries man, what a crazy story in the news…also now in NZ. Your family and all of us in crypto still need you to be around!
Bankor has a huge fee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Hi great video what you think about WANCHAIN…grt.thx
Paper ETFs would sink BTC as did gold and silver to mention a few. This also deviates to keep from banls, corporations and the govenment controllers that will destroy the value due to inflating PAPER on all latter items. Who owns the keys?? You do not need outside deep pockets when those will br begging to let them in to destroy
yikes, gray hairs. From waiting for moon? (tease)
Thanks for good content as always Crypto Lark!
How is “blockchain” going to stop politicians going back on their word?
I just don’t see it. In fact, I don’t see why other people see it.
It’s nonsense.
Mate these intros are gold! Always enjoy your attention to the banking "good guys" and this is completely off topic but I just realised that your voice could easily suit a new Dragon Ball series if they release one.
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Being on blockchain doesn't make them punishable it just proves they lied
Sound like a possible cold lark? Vit c, colloidal silver!
You rock lark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome coffee machine using lightning network and bitcoin wow
You're definitely one of my favorite crypto commentators. Great info and very entertaining delivery.
It is funny how reluctant the traditional banking industry is to let crypto in, despite how much money they have to make. But a part of me hopes they go on being that way, because the industry won't have atrocities like XRP centralized "crypto" in 2nd place without their retarded participation.
Go Denmark!
Haba re opening intro. I think it's stupid to wait for sec and wall Street isn't that what we believe against banks and government. I would prefer they don't get involved at all.
Such a great intro Lark, i keep laughting …
Thank you so much Lark .
Topic question?!- How is cryptocurrency being used as a tool against our president?
If Cryptocurrency is a terrorist tool then consider ever federal based currency a terrorist tool as well.. I DON'T HAVE COODIES! YOU DO!
Sing me a song, make me believe you don’t believe in crypto. Before you get it. Sounds like natural strategy to use disinformation to get a discount.
Reality is a bubble….all a game……learn to surf…..can’t control nature…..blinded by short sightedness ?
Watch, it will dump
brilliant intro fun! love it!
Were all going to the moon,but Lark's gonna see us on Jupiter lmao……….Thank's Lark NOSHAVETILL20K CrYpTo laRK NaTiOn
Lark you crack me with your intro videos. Keep up the good work. I think you will do well in acting ?. Good content.
The only coins that will be around 20 years from now will be the ones the government's create…
I like that you are trying these new intros. Keep it going
I wore my hodl outfit last night to the bar that I DJ at. I made sure I told at least a dozen people about Bitcoin.
We made it this far WITHOUT and ETF, why do we need regulation? We simply do not. People forget the original necessity of this revolution… it started out of necessity to deviate from these tyrants. Why do we care to adapt to them again and again???! How shortsighted can we be? SERIOUSLY.
Lark your intros are the best bro lol
I‘m terribly bullish?
Well, if XRP takes over, there is no use for this crap…Back to cash (will be fine for my lifetime) besides selfishly using this Crypto for profits and nothing else. Like everything else cool in this world, this whole crypto is on it's way to be Contolled, twisted and centralized mainstream in no time at all. Everyone is takin over by greed and any creditbility is washed out. 20X-100X jones is on.
LOL! Those intros of yours are always good for a laugh