LIVE: Fitrova SCAM UPDATE – Daily Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency News 7/5/2018 – https://CryptosRUs.com
What’s going on in the Crypto world today? Tune in and find out! Tune in 10:00 am CST every day to find out!
Bryan’s confession / cover up video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S6Ccwr0Tzs
Fitrova’s Tweet about connections: https://twitter.com/FitrovaToken/status/990287621032218626
Australia Business Register: https://abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View?abn=91309150897
Fitrova WhoIs Lookup: https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=fitrova.com
BI article about Centra: http://www.businessinsider.com/sec-charges-third-centra-crypto-founder-with-fraud-2018-4
CCN video from Zach: https://twitter.com/CryptoCoinNewz/status/1014223683727052807
CCN’s Non disclosed Video about Fitrova’s Buyout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16WvcfMJKDY
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Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, ICO, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.
Zach from CCN responded to this video here, good response and apology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgP2M7FXoos
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CryptosRUs you named your brand after toysRUs, which is a failed business and brand, having completely closed its doors for good. you're the man
Thanks George. The poker/Doug Polk/Phil Helmuth connection here is that years ago when online poker shut down in the US, online poker players were forced into illegal offshore sites whose preferred and main payment method is cryptocurrency. It is how I got into cryptocurrency along w many online gamblers, we love that shit!
George, he definitely did because I was an investor and Im in the US which made me question it, it wasn't alot but still its the principle of the thing.
Detective George on the case ?️
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glad you are still doing vids in these not too interesting days
news? what about india banning fiat to btc ?
great video you have here???
Good george, im in frv. Dam it. Thanks to zack of ccn. 400 dollars lost.
That bryan scam us 2 times. With frv and the swap to the new one
Been watching you for quite some time now. Ardor was a pain in the ass, still got a big bag of powerledger which btw pumped pretty much last week. I am not even close too the price i bought in but hey green candles in a bear seems like a good sign. Your honesty in videos is what will make you a succes.
George your doing the whole community a great service. Thank you
just took my library books back and paid my fine, George please don't sniff me out I'm clean now. Great Video
Zack is one of the biggest shillers in this game, right up there with Supposhill and Ian Shillina.
Hello my friend George. Do you think that July 18 is going to be a crash trigger? Considering last couple of years bitcoin was walking through a valley every July. What is your opinion?
What about STORM
George you’re the one go to cryto guy I listen/watch. Very honest and just trying to help. I did watch CCN for awhile but they are all in it for them selfs. I stopped watching them after they kept shilling hashflare which is a total rip. It honestly doesn’t surprised me they did something like this again
Check out DIG (Dignity) and the upcoming Arbitrade Exchange. Amazing information was released this morning. Lot's of potential.
I’m outraged at this story Fitova, so many people heading to jail from scams in Crypto. Zac from Crypto Coin, I’d get some legal advice if I was you, and take that dam video down!
Just finished watching.. great video. I love how you look out for your followers and do extensive research on coins when they are up to no good. I don't always agree with your views but I respect you and your opinion because its valuable in this community and you are one of the great ones.
I just reported Fitrova to ScamWatch in Australia. This video might get some more traffic soon
Why are your videos in 480p?
Hey did you say that Tron and ripple have alot of partnerships?
ZILLIQA will kill many altcoins during thecurrent year! So while business is going well, buy them. In 2018 it can grow by 20 times… http://www.tokenairdrop.pro/freetokens-zil Now you steel have an opportunity to get tokens free of costusing the airdrop!
The best coin ofcurrent year is ZILLIQA. Sounds like a plan. It will grow by 10 times current year ! They are going to arrange free distribution of coins this summer by http://www.airdropnews.pro/zil/ref6787657
Great Job, George! Thank you!
Bytecoin has been a top 30 coin for years.. not sure why you act like its new to the high 20's.. Also i know at one point you said it was a fork from Bitcoin.. and thats false.. Bytecoin is the original Cryptonight coin.. they made the Ring Technology that is used in Monero.. Monero is actually a fork from bytecoin.
I'm not a fan of bytecoin but at least give it the credit it deserves.. the tech is solid. The team are a bunch of pump and dump shills.
Thank you for outing these scammers! Ripple is also in the news with a third lawsuit!
Fantastic video George!!! Wow!!
I always smash the like George
I nominate nuls and accumulated some more. Now that a got your attention, George, would you please take a peek at luxcoin. Does the coin make any sense on the market or are the features overloaded?
Not a fan of pundi x? Working product with growing sales and being used in stores in India already. Allows for individuals with out a bank account to not only purchase cryptos, but to purchase any goods in actual stores. Would love to hear your analysis of it, Good or bad
can you please cover EOZ ico scam
George can you please cover the XRP/Ripple scam!? Its going to be the financial downfall of those who do not do true due diligence. Thank you.
Oh wow, this is excellent George! Can you also cover the Invacio ico scam! That really hurt a lot of my friends.