Here are the best VR games announced at E3 2018. This is a mix of PC VR and PSVR titles from E3 2018. It seems Playstation VR really dominated E3 2018 …
haha, got SO hyped for Moss. Only to learn that it is a PSVR exclusive… fml
Is prey going to get a vr update? That footage clearly wasnt VR.
Firewall zero hour!!
Starla does looks awesome
reminds me of that old movie series…"short circuit" from the 80s
Love the videos though recently someone brought it to my attention about you always throwing both your hands towards the camera with every other few words you say and now that's all I can see pmsl
Echo combat remains me of Enders game battle simulation in zero G.
Man your channel is the best VR channel on YouTube, keep it up mate, awesome.
damn, theres still not much vr content out there, especially coming in the next year by the looks of it, and especially not for pc. looks like psvr is getting some pretty good stuff though.
Some nice titles coming… hope Prey has that rockin soundtrack in game otherwise will be disappointed.
17:40 shittest trailer ever wtf i would be embarrased
Storm land looks cool. Keep it up oculus. Good video Mike.
E3 2018 was an insane experience. Great recap!
I am excited for Bethesda's games. You forgot to mention The Elder Scrolls: Blades. Which will be a free VR game.
Thank you for this. So many people are whining about being so disappointed with E3. This is a great list of games to watch out for.
stormland looks really cool
Space junkies is spelled wrong…
Mike dont expect any vr from microsoft on consoles for very long time.. they have abandon the kinect division think was last year and that only show they moving further away from vr on console.. on the pc microsoft only created the concept platform for other manufactures to use.
Hey bud! Great video! Will you be making a video for Oculus Go titles as well? Not much info on that aside from your own video last month. Has anything else interesting been announced since?
So what's the best thing to come out of E3 VR 2018…………….. you Mike []-). Thankyou for this synopsis of the latest in VR gaming, that we can all look forward to in the future. ; )))
hope prey will be good:)hated fallout 4 but doom vr was awesome imo:)hope they have learned a bit from those games:P
You missed TES blades m8.
There are some nice looking PCVR exclusives here, but I'm still pretty satisfied with that PSVR lineup. Some great titles coming in the next few months.
Great video but please please can you add intended platforms to the name of the game? Some videos include it but many don't !
Awesome!V3R Expo in YouTube?
you forgot the fromsoftware one, Déraciné
Will fire wall zero be a oculus game? Btw here early!
Gungrave VR…
I still cannot motivate buying a PS4 for the PSVR exclusives, especially when some of them, like Moss, actually makes it over to PC. For some stupid reason that Tetris Effect trailer has my hairs stand on end though, probably more due to the music, I really want to know more about it ? Otherwise, plenty if titles that look interesting, it's quite tiring to keep track of what works for which system though so I'm just like… whatever, I'll find the games again when they come out, pshaw! ?
I have to agree that Stormland is the most interesting. Looks good!
Lol that firewall zero hour music does not fit the pacing of the game at all.
Hey mike looking forward to the next ask mike anything
The truth is we need more good Go games that are free
Really ! Prey in VR ? I am excite x)
haha, got SO hyped for Moss. Only to learn that it is a PSVR exclusive… fml
Is prey going to get a vr update? That footage clearly wasnt VR.
Firewall zero hour!!
Starla does looks awesome
reminds me of that old movie series…"short circuit" from the 80s
Love the videos though recently someone brought it to my attention about you always throwing both your hands towards the camera with every other few words you say and now that's all I can see pmsl
Echo combat remains me of Enders game battle simulation in zero G.
Man your channel is the best VR channel on YouTube, keep it up mate, awesome.
damn, theres still not much vr content out there, especially coming in the next year by the looks of it, and especially not for pc. looks like psvr is getting some pretty good stuff though.
6:35 is that CGI or real person?
Stormland !
Some nice titles coming… hope Prey has that rockin soundtrack in game otherwise will be disappointed.
17:40 shittest trailer ever wtf i would be embarrased
Storm land looks cool. Keep it up oculus. Good video Mike.
E3 2018 was an insane experience. Great recap!
I am excited for Bethesda's games. You forgot to mention The Elder Scrolls: Blades. Which will be a free VR game.
Thank you for this. So many people are whining about being so disappointed with E3.
This is a great list of games to watch out for.
stormland looks really cool
Space junkies is spelled wrong…
Mike dont expect any vr from microsoft on consoles for very long time.. they have abandon the kinect division think was last year and that only show they moving further away from vr on console.. on the pc microsoft only created the concept platform for other manufactures to use.
Hey bud! Great video! Will you be making a video for Oculus Go titles as well? Not much info on that aside from your own video last month. Has anything else interesting been announced since?
So what's the best thing to come out of E3 VR 2018…………….. you Mike []-). Thankyou for this synopsis of the latest in VR gaming, that we can all look forward to in the future. ; )))
hope prey will be good:)hated fallout 4 but doom vr was awesome imo:)hope they have learned a bit from those games:P
You missed TES blades m8.
There are some nice looking PCVR exclusives here, but I'm still pretty satisfied with that PSVR lineup. Some great titles coming in the next few months.
Great video but please please can you add intended platforms to the name of the game? Some videos include it but many don't !
Awesome!V3R Expo in YouTube?
you forgot the fromsoftware one, Déraciné
Will fire wall zero be a oculus game? Btw here early!
Gungrave VR…
I still cannot motivate buying a PS4 for the PSVR exclusives, especially when some of them, like Moss, actually makes it over to PC. For some stupid reason that Tetris Effect trailer has my hairs stand on end though, probably more due to the music, I really want to know more about it ? Otherwise, plenty if titles that look interesting, it's quite tiring to keep track of what works for which system though so I'm just like… whatever, I'll find the games again when they come out, pshaw! ?
I have to agree that Stormland is the most interesting. Looks good!
Lol that firewall zero hour music does not fit the pacing of the game at all.
Hey mike looking forward to the next ask mike anything
The truth is we need more good Go games that are free
Just what I've been looking for cheers Mike!
So excited for stormland