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More inspirational content from FUD TV, I love it. Thanks Ellio for bringing your bullish outlook to the crypto community on a daily basis. Hodl strong, buy the dip, keep educating yourself about this market and adapt when necessary. Hopefully we all win in the end.
Let me know if you're interested in developing some educational classes. I may want to hire you to help me construct an educational platform for the public.
What a speech there towards the end.
Awesome video! Great positivity and enthusiasm for crypto. Think you've clinched the number 1 spot for best crypto YouTuber.
Let it drop more so I can buy more
This is all a “psychological game” by the MOVERS to shake out “weak hands”
Be patient and HODL Crypto Family everything will get better a BULL RUN is coming
Zcash is the best hedge against bitcoin.. It would be huge as greyscale investement & other firms already have it… Also in this bitcoin bear market .. NYDFS approval got unnoticed!
Thanks for the perspective and the pep talk! Much appreciated. One minor point of disagreement, though: there's no such thing as "deserving" to win in a market. Awful jerks will make profits. Shady manipulators will make profits. Nice, hard-working people will find ways to get screwed… or maybe luck their way into an awesome trade. It's never about what people deserve. It's about the quality of their strategy, about having the fortitude to stick to that strategy when the tide turns against them, or, probably more importantly, revising and adapting the strategy to changes in the market. Pinning hopes on what we deserve is just blind faith and wishful thinking. We all have to do WORK to understand the market, know when to double down or when to cut and reconsolidate. We have to be decisive, vigilant, committed. The market doesn't owe anyone anything. There is no market karma. It ain't about what any of us deserve. It's just doing the hard work and earning the good or bad results that follow. Anyhoo, you rock, man. Keep it up!
Thanks for video. What you can tell about the arbitration bot bibitbot com . So he is good how speak about him? Thanks
This is bullish and will bring mass adoption. Not only the regulation-refugees of binance! Please report about Ethos after checking all their goals
You really are a good chap with great presentations. Well done.
Well done bro
You nailed it again! Man I can't wait to see a video about tash token from your perspective. Definitely time to take for ourselves…maybe to go on a vacation or holidays. Cheeeeers
Tough times indeed but your positive posts definitely help to keep me on track..
Another great video ?delivered with passion thank you Elliot ?

What MORON Thumbs down's this stuff?
Enjoyed this episode. Very articulate, thoughtful, and as always… informative. Ppl need this.
You are good…. you deserve 100k subs at least . Thanks
You're a fucking Sage. I am inspired. I love your work!!
Great video – A rallying cry!
Interesting video, thanks for him. Tell the opinion on the bibitbot com. Why all advise him around, a pier really now it is possible to trade on all coins and on any exchanges?
Great video once again.. going to share the shit out of this with my friends !!
Absolutely loved this video! The future is optimistic even if it is "rocky" now. All the bullish news is appreciated thanks
Am likin ya channel mucho….thanks for defusing da FUD. I send the links to my mates..other women like me who are new to the crypto space….gotta keep spreading the word!
Excellent content as usual! Well said about mental health. Also, some mini giveaways would be cool. Even if its just like $5-10 bucks worth of BTC
Well done mate, just found you the last week but glad I did because I believe in all you say, don't panic sell and buy the dips, keep up the great work!
Thanks for video. What you can tell about the arbitration bot bibitbot com . So he is good how speak about him? Thanks
Perfectly said
We in this till the end
I asked many authors and I want to ask your opinion about the arbitration bot with notices in bibitbot com Telegram It works for you and it is possible to trust him
Actually dascoin has had an event in paris relating to the fashion industry,catch it here >>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IS_Ke1Qxzo&t=12s
No FUD stay ?
Another awesome video, from this awesome channel!
great video thank you like alwasys,
EOS community this great app for voting https://github.com/greymass/eos-voter/releases
Great video. I wish I could get more of my female friends into crypto.
thanks bro just wat i needed
Amen? At the end of the day, being invested in a nascent market with burgeoning tech takes conviction that you truly believe in what you put your hard earned money into. There literally is NO question blockchain and crypto as an asset class is the future. It’s just young and has to mature. Thanks for always bringing it back on point Ellio!
Great videos. Can you do one on icon icx. Thxs, unfud the fud. Good work.
modern miracle? – I am getting emotional now…
Yo FUD, where'd you find the CFTC letter/article?
Awesome video!
I think a lot of us need to hear this. GREAT video!!!
Your looking 'Classie" !!! Keep up the FUD …. we love it!
Embrace the fud! Word up.