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Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) & More Altcoins (Altcoin) Trading Future Price Prediction & Coin News 2018!
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Sites I use for Crypto / Cryptocurrency include: Coinmarketcap, Coinbase, Bittrex, Binance, Bitfinex, Bitmex, GDAX, Kraken, Gemini & more!
Disclaimer: The content covered in this video is NOT investment advice. I’m NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas, tutorials, charts, technical analysis, insights and price prediction. Always do your own research and only invest solely based on your own findings and personal judgement. Deciding to Invest in and Buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tron (TRX), Cardano (ADA), EOS (EOS) And all other Crypto/Bitcoins/Altcoins/Altcoin or ICO/ICOs is extremely high risk and can crash at any time!
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Hey Kirby. Great videos from an objective point of view. Any chance you could do a review of CyberMiles? I would like to know your thoughts.
Kirb From the other day vid, boy its true- so much fud, orchestrated fud. Even social media, news outlets. Lots of articles saying how screwed we are. also, geez, trading view input page- everything pegged on strong sell. WTF do you think is going to happen with news like that? LOL!
Man, you are right on. This is exactly how they think. You want to beat them, hodl and do nothing. Wait for them to make the first move cos they have to.
Kirby….YOU TUBE…switzerland BANKS RIPOFF..' .Jim Willie If Deutsche Bank Goes Under It Will be Lehman Times Five! '' start at 35 minutes about Switzerland banks and GoLD…
Kirby,,,have you seen this on YOUTUBE, your swiz, yes>
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Kirby….YOU TUBE…switzerland BANKS RIPOFF..' .Jim Willie If Deutsche Bank Goes Under It Will be Lehman Times Five! '' start at 35 minutes about Switzerland banks and GoLD…
Mate i wish you would reschedule these streams from time to time.Its starting at 4 am for me, so i can rarely catch it.
Never mind, the content is still good.
Thanks Kirby. Much appreciated intellegent review of market
Sometimes it is good to take FUD as signal especially when it come from 'reputable' sources. Fud is cheaper to buy, because dumping is expensive.
All this was a scam and is coillapsing day after day
IWAS A DAY TRADER, i had 40,000, in 4 months i has OVER a MILLION BUCKS, a year later i now have 2,000 Here in PH , coin.ph charges 4%,no stops,no trailing stops, no CHARTS, just buy and sell. you can NEVER WIN…the exchange ALWAYS MAKES MONEY
I learned a lot, I want to leave you a tip, do you have a tipwithcrypto link?
kirby you are CORRECT, Illuminate make money by TAKING YOURS…and that is exactly what they will do, you would, i would, YES YES YES, once they got your money, they are in TOTAL CONTROL..however, they will not move so low that no one will play anymore…no money in that…the ILLUMINATE has a GOAL to create a ONE WORLD CURRENCY ( BiTCOIN IS GOOD TO TAKE OVER)..ZIONISTS, ROTHSCHILDS who own Central Bank, BUSH, CLINTON, all these soldiers. The human being has 40 DNA markers, a Potato has 42….George Bush, i rest my case.
I think they are dumping now kirby
Kirby…no offense, but when you talk about a bitcoiner worried, or making a mistake, or complaining, you use a high voice, which is to mimic a female..that is REALLY OFFENSIVE. Its ok you don't like females, or feel that complainers are female, that may be your experience in life, but my mother, sisters are brilliant people…i learned how to live my life by females…i developed good morals ( which i break all the time,hehehe) but please, when making a complaint about people use a low voice, or try a American low class black man voice…or a gypsy voice accent, or try an ISRAELI accent, they are always good for attack in life.
Your private VIP elite figures are just wrong, look at the coin market cap, go back 7 days and ALL the coins are at a loss over 14 days, yet you are saying up by 10, 20, 30 etc %. Please don't put out false figures.
Always quality Kirby. Thanks again bro. Appreciate your daily insights.
A bot trigger my buy order I place above the moving aves in case of a light saber. Just zapped a wick up and got me, then pulled back and left me selling at a $50 loss. Market so rigged against James at the water cooler…
look into Photon Kirby
It is rumored that (Telegram coin will set up a record on growth among all cryptocurrencies icovilla.org/telegram
say you have 10K to invest, and if its a coin flip, keep 50 percent of your money in crypto, the rest in fiat or tether that way you covering both the upside and downside without losing any sleep
ICO telegram sets records! Almost all tokens were divulged just in few days on http://www.x-crypto.info/ton-gram
5K bitcoin or 13 K bitcoin, this is a coin flip, red or black
Tough news man. Day trading is such an attractive idea. I will settle for swing + long term trading.
Thanks Kirby…. Will you be able to look at BST (BlockSquare). Not on CMC yet, trading on IDEX only. The market cap is ~1m, with 5.5m circulation supply. Cheers
Excellent news, friends) Telegram started public ICO http://www.icomaster.site/ton-gram
'They' are not content to make profit. They want control by maximum domination i.e. diminish public sentiment and holdings so that they can outwit though FUD and lay claim to the greatest possible margins of profit, proving to their ego's they can manipulate as much as they need to to achieve their algo's, no matter the cost to the rest of us. For those who HODL in the truest sense, i.e. who have the conviction to hold indefinitely, then their refusal to give in to fear and greed, will ultimately determine they win out. What will drive the biggest volatility to date is the turmoil that we all know is coming sooner or later, when the banks collapse and FUD reaches fever pitch. The tsunami of investment that will engulf crypto when the next financial crisis takes hold as banks start to fold and close their doors, will be fuelled by whales and competition amongst them, that will make the remaining market cap held by private investors seem like chump change in comparison. As rates rise and inflation sky rockets, the dollar will devalue, combining with a compound affect that will propel the price of BTC to the levels that at present seem like wild and crazy. Ultimately it will be a test of conviction.
As for "James at the water cooler" who got in at a 12K bitcoin and just wants to break even and go home…I think it's natural to feel that way when the market is crap and you're sitting at a loss, but when the market is on fire again and the bulls are raging and we hit 12K again, James might think…"wait a minute, maybe, just maybe, I CAN actually make a profit here," and then his interests and optimism for crypto is revived. This time around someone should tell James…"Bro, just put in some stop-losses and be responsible."
The video skips several times? Example @1:56 @2:43
dude i make money day trading . just been shorting the hell out of it on bitmex. since 9300, so please i know plenty of daytraders and full time traders. and we make killing on it it does exist . never been liquidated either . every rally is another chance to short again . bitcoin & ethereum are the only 2 with enough price action to daytrade they are as good as daytrading penny stocks
Digibyte will save the day. It will upset everyone the sleeping giant.
It would make not much sense for the "illuminati" to "flush out" the normal traders… because this traders also pumping Bitcoin/Alt's and that is good for the "bigger fishes"… they need this money to get a bigger pump, to get more profits…