Playmakers: Marques Brownlee MajorLeagueUltimate — April 25, 2018 21 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest New York’s Marques Brownlee won Eastern Conference Defensive Player of the Year in 2016, but he has been making highlights since he first stepped onto an MLU field in 2014. Check out some… source best ultimate plays crazy disc Frisbee frisbee highlights highlights major league ultimate Marques Brownlee MLU mlu highlights professional frisbee Sports ultimate ultimate frisbee Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
I feel like it's not right when people with actual athleticism, read: black men, play sports like ultimate.
This sport looks amazing on tv. I play this in. High school gym class but damn, I hope this gets popular.
nice body control probably would have made a good cornerback if he could have put on any weight. Pretty good for a phone geek
What an absolute unit
I feel like it's not right when people with actual athleticism, read: black men, play sports like ultimate.
I will get good at this sport just to play Brownlee
Lmao where's his middle name
Wtf lol
What's his middle name

Review that frisbee, Brownlee
This sport looks amazing on tv. I play this in. High school gym class but damn, I hope this gets popular.
I must say "dope".
His team was always losing tho
And he did all this with a phone in his pocket
What a stupid game.
If he had more muscle, I could imagine him playing football, he has good athleticism and ball skills
He can probably sponsor his own team. Or buy it
nice body control probably would have made a good cornerback if he could have put on any weight. Pretty good for a phone geek
Hey what's up guys…
Mkbhd on a 720p video…. That too on 2016. It's ridiculous man come on bring 4k resolution for him
Calling him Brownlee is really awkward for an mkbhd fan like me who always heard him as marques
he s mkbhd!
0:54 what does the commentator say?
MKBHD plays Ultimate Frisby?