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nice video!
Mine were enabled by default, guess I'm lucky? Are they really as much of a ram CPU hog as people say they are?
Thanks for sharing
I downloaded it and it came as a .widget file, what do I do with it…
You have to make sure you've installed all of your gadgets through the first steps of the video, you should then be able to open widget files through the 'add widgets' section.
Wow, this is complicated. Here's something I found, when I installed the latest version of Norton 360, it put some kind of gadget on my deskop that gave me the ability to turn on those gadgets. I just tried it and hey, it works.
Cool, glad you found something that worked for you
Can you do a series where you show us software to make the windows 7's appearance better? Software like Fences or CubeDesktop?
That's not a bad idea.
There is no "add widgets" section.
There is no Edit Group Policy when i search it. it could be because i have a custom built computer and maybe that might have to do with that?
This isn't supported in all versions of Windows 7
i used to have widgets/gadgets on my computer but then i reformatted and now i don't have them anymore. i tried to follow along through this video and i don't have a group policy at all … i even went into the control panel manually to find it and nothing … now what do i do?
urggg 1 question i do exactly step by step like u did after i log out and log in again….i open the gadgets…and dragged out my screen its just a black box..? help
Nice work , thx .
thank you.. GOOD VIDEO …
to ban someones xbox live account reply their gamertag and how long thx
i had gadget b4 but something happend that i dont know what it is and now i cant press the gadget button on windows 7.
Excellent guide. I'm computer challenged but your instructions worked perfectly. Now hv desktop calendar. Thank you
Thank man..!
i cant find group policy. help please?
nice video!
dang it lol.. im still not an expert at gadgets yet.. will you tell me where all the windows files, dll's and libraries are at to "install" the gadget platform.. please … ill repeat,, I need to know the location of all files, dll's libraries everything.. to "install" this gadget platform on my windows 7 64 bit.. its all.. i repeat allllll gone.. thanks…
grrr still not an expert … need help found and replaced ..%programfiles%Windows SidebarGadgets and %programfiles86%Windows SidebarGadgets.. also ran the following commands Regsvr32 -u "%ProgramFiles%Windows Sidebarsbdrop.dll"
still need help… thanks
Regsvr32 -u "%ProgramFiles%Windows Sidebarwlsrvc.dll"
Regsvr32 atl.dll
Regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%Windows Sidebarsbdrop.dll"
Regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles%Windows Sidebarwlsrvc.dll" im still missing something…. not showing up in appearance and personalization nor showing up in windows features… help still needed… there must be some windows files in C:windows or some other dumb way to disable this service.. still not an expert yet
update again
i ran the enable_gadgets.reg.. also ran the the microsoftfixit50907.msi … and the microsoftfixit50212.msi ,microsoft fix it 50907 reported it was fixed, unfortunately it isnt… microsoftfixit 50212 reported it wasnt for my o/s or application. still need help, again im i am running Windows 7 Ultimate Professional Media Center Service Pack 1 (64-bit) and i am nearly certain at one point in time this O/S came with gadgets.. thanks
Muchísimas Gracias me ha servido de mucho este Vídeo no entendía mucho el english pero con los buenos pasos he logrado activar de nuevo los gadgets…
Thank you men
Very helpful… Also able to see a few other features to turn on or off along the way
I really, really do appreciate your time and assistance.
I did everything u said there but mine still doesn't work..help please
My clock still wont add, I keep clicking add but it doesnt show on the desktop :/
Craig my Gadget box comes up but it says I must log in as administrator, this is a home computer and I am the only one on the network. How do I log in as Administrator?Philip
Where are your installed gadgets??Time waste
Couldn't find "Group Policy" either…
2 mins on a mac .. 1/2 hour with windows .. is this normal ??? I'm leaving now i don't want to get any on me ..
what is really annoying is your talking soooooooooooooooooo fast.
Unfortuunately , neither gadgets doesn't work on my Windows 7 , allthough I found my gadgets that I ever had.
Thanks you
Is it possible to use and download more gadgets for Windows 7 now, in 2020?